Apply to Immigrants Rising’s High School Partnership Program

Categories: Career Programs, General Announcements, Higher Education

When undocumented young people are able to pursue education and careers, they can create new, brighter futures for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Unfortunately the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric are severely hindering the high school graduation and college enrollment rates of undocumented students.…

Recap from 2019 Fellowship Kickoff Retreat

Categories: Career Programs, General Announcements

On July 11-13, we brought together our new High School Engagement, Immigration Law, Higher Education, and Entrepreneurship Fellows for a three-day leadership retreat packed with professional and personal development workshops and community building activities.

Immigrants Rising 2019-2020 Fellowship Applications Now Open!

Categories: Career Programs, General Announcements

At Immigrants Rising, we believe education is the key to personal transformation. The opportunity to learn, whether it is in a classroom, at a job site or in other forms, gives individuals agency to improve their own lives. Undocumented young people, however, have limited access to professional learning opportunities that offer hands-on experience.…