January 2023 Newsletter

My name is Grace Yeo and I am the Creative Content Lead at Immigrants Rising. Working alongside a team of creatives, I oversee the digital side of our organization, with a special focus on resources that benefit the undocumented community across the U.S.

January has been a difficult month for myself and my loved ones here in my hometown of Torrance, California, as we witnessed an act of domestic terrorism unfold in nearby Monterey Park. Hearing the news about the shooting in Half Moon Bay so soon after, I felt angry, wondering how many more tragic events like these we’d have to endure before the government addresses the deep, structural issues perpetuating gun violence. My heart goes out to all of the families and communities who are impacted by mass shootings.

If you’re looking for support to process your grief or other feelings, Immigrants Rising provides mental health resources designed for and by undocumented people. You should also know that if you are undocumented and have experienced violence or other forms of threat (like fraud, blackmail, or abandonment), there may be options for you to adjust your status. Check out our free Immigration Legal Intake Service for a more comprehensive overview of your legal options.

You may also want to check out these resources and fundraising efforts benefiting affected communities in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay:

In our ongoing effort to empower undocumented people to achieve their educational and career goals and thrive regardless of their status, we have compiled a list of timely resources below. Please check it out and share with your friends and family.

Still we rise as a community,

Build Institutional Support for Black Undocumented Students

As we commemorate Black History Month in February, we encourage all educational institutions to read this resource to learn how to build strategies for Black undocumented students to thrive in higher education. Authored by Shirleen Achieng and Eva-Vera Burns, Higher Education Program Participants, this resource provides a background of the Black undocumented student population and lists recommendations for college campuses to better reach, engage with, and support this student population.

Join the Pre-Law 101 Webinar

Join us on February 9, 2023 to learn about the law school admissions process through the lens of undocumented students. This webinar will include a panel of undocumented individuals who are pursuing legal careers. Register here.

Don’t Miss Out: In-State Tuition (AB 540) Expands in CA!

More students are now eligible for in-state tuition and financial aid in California! Check out the resources below to ensure that you don’t miss out on all the financial aid you may be eligible for.

AB 540 Quick Guide
Know the eligibility requirements for in-state tuition in California.

SB 1141 Fact Sheet
SB 1141 expands AB 540 by removing the two-year cap on credit courses taken at California Community Colleges. Learn how this may benefit you.

AB 540 Attendance Worksheet
Track your progress in meeting the requirements for in-state tuition in California.

AB 469: All in for Financial Aid Including Undocumented Students
California high school seniors are now required to apply for FAFSA or CA Dream Act or complete an opt-out waiver. Read this resource for best practices in supporting undocumented high school seniors through this process.