Hugo Lopez Muñoz

Position: Programs Coordinator


Photo of Hugo Lopez Munoz

Hugo (he/him) was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and at the age of 13, he had to move to Compton, CA to live with relatives. Hugo was an outstanding student in high school, but because of his undocumented status and his family’s financial hardships, he had to spend many years attending different community colleges. His difficult experiences as an undocumented student and worker led to him becoming an enthusiastic High School Engagement Fellow at Immigrants Rising in 2019. The Fellowship activated and energized Hugo’s passion for bringing desperately needed resources to undocumented students struggling as he did for access to higher education, career development, and options for generating income. Hugo previously worked for Immigrants Rising as an Educational Transitions Coach and has now returned as a Programs Coordinator leading the Home Is Here Opportunity Program. In this new role, Hugo is eager to be an agent of change in the professional and career lives of folks within the undocumented community who are struggling to find resources and opportunities for options like career growth and entrepreneurship. An avid lover of the active lifestyle and finding God in all things, Hugo loves hiking, biking, jogging, swimming, and especially playing soccer. On Sundays, he can be found singing at church from his pew. He also loves literature, philosophy, the pursuit of understanding, minimalism, and the simple life. He is currently starting to explore his love for travel.