District receives $336K for Dreamer Resource Centers

Categories: In the Media

Published October 15, 2018.

The San Diego Community College District has received a $336,000 grant to create and expand programs at its three colleges to support undocumented students and their families so that more people will be able to realize their full potential.…

Teach students how to fight back against Trump’s cruel “public charge” regulation

Categories: General Announcements

The Trump administration has proposed a new regulation that would block immigrant families from having a permanent, secure future in the United States. Under the new rule, immigrants who do not speak English, earn low wages, do not have a stable job, have a medical condition or access public benefits could be prohibited from having a permanent future in the United States.…

Stepping Up: California Campuses Expanding Services for Undocu­mented Students and Families

Categories: In the Media

Published October 11, 2018.

“This is why I am so inspired by undocumented students who are trying to get an education and build a future in the only country many of them have ever known. It’s also why I am so excited to see how California’s public colleges and universities are responding to a new opportunity to bolster their efforts to help undocumented students and their families succeed.”…

32 Colleges to Expand Opportunity for Undocumented Students and Families

Categories: General Announcements, Higher Education

California Campus Catalyst Fund Will Support Resource Centers, Legal Services, and Other Programs

We are proud to oversee and administer the California Campus Catalyst Fund to create and expand programs to support undocumented immigrants and their families.

The California Campus Catalyst Fund is a three-year initiative founded by educators, funders, and advocates to increase support at campuses representing the state’s three public higher education segments: California Community Colleges, California State University, and the University of California.…

Introducing our 2018 Scholars

Categories: General Announcements, Higher Education

This year we invited eight extraordinary students to be part of our Scholars Program (formerly known as the New American Scholars Program). These scholars have demonstrated resilience and determination in pursuing higher education despite extraordinary obstacles and adversity. Their areas of study are Marketing, Ethnic Studies, Business Administration, Neurobiology, Physical Therapy, Theater, Mathematics, and Geotechnical Engineering.…

September 2018 Newsletter

Categories: Newsletters

Entrepreneurship Fund Applications Due October 4th

Only one more week to apply for our Entrepreneurship Fund (formerly FUSE)! We will be awarding $250,000 in grants to undocumented entrepreneurs across the country. Grantees will be offered support and guidance from professional advisors as well as opportunities to network with other undocumented entrepreneurs. …

Public Charge Update

Categories: General Announcements

This weekend, the Trump Administration announced a proposal to change a 100+ year-old immigration rule that, if implemented, would punish immigrant families for accessing essential nutrition, housing, and medical care programs.

Our country works best when families—especially children—are well supported, yet the new Trump “public charge” regulation seeks to undermine this by forcing families to choose between health or nutrition programs or their chances to obtain a green card.…

Helping students figure out if they qualify for in-state tuition

Categories: General Announcements, Higher Education, Resources

“Getting in-state tuition helps me become a normal student. I get to be a student who goes to classes and worries about homework not just about money.” — Izabela, Fellow and Scholar


Students can quickly find out whether they’re eligible for in-state tuition at California colleges and universities through our new In-State Tuition Tool.…

Now Accepting Applications for Entrepreneurship Fund

Categories: Entrepreneurship, General Announcements

Note: Application for the Immigrants Rising’s Entrepreneurship Fund has closed. The deadline to apply was October 4, 2018.

“This grant gave me the confidence to take my business to the next level, to create a space to help others and, most importantly, to help me grow as a social entrepreneur.”…

August 2018 Newsletter

Categories: Newsletters

Looking for ways to help yourself and the undocumented community?

Information, resources, and support allow undocumented young people to see what’s possible and realize their potential. With our new name and rebranded website that reflect the people at the heart of our work, we are continuing to expand our reach to the undocumented community.…

Now Accepting Presentation Requests

Categories: General Announcements

Help students make decisions based on potential, not perceived limits.

Immigrants Rising offers in-person and online presentations about the opportunities available for undocumented young people to go to college and pursue careers. Our presentations cover immigration law and policy, college access, financial aid, career opportunities, and entrepreneurship.…

Resources for Schools to Support Undocumented Students

Categories: General Announcements, Higher Education, Resources

When undocumented young people are able to pursue their education, they can create brighter futures for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Our educational resource binder gives educators information and tools to help undocumented students realize their potential.

The binder includes step-by-step guides to applying for California’s in-state tuition, state-based financial aid, and scholarships.…

Join us when we go LIVE on 7/24

Categories: General Announcements

the social media campaign: Add one of our ImmigrantsRising frames to your Facebook profile pic (search for “immigrantsrising”) Share your own Immigrants Rising story/photo and use #stillwerise #immigrantsrising. Here are sample story/photo posts on Twitter @ImmigrantsRise, Instagram @ImigrantsRising, and Facebook @ImmigrantsRising.…

E4FC is now Immigrants Rising

Categories: General Announcements


After more than 10 years of helping to transform lives, we’re making a few changes of our own.

Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC) is now known as Immigrants Rising, a name that better reflects who we are and what we do.…