Get Inspired! Connect! Take Action! Recap from the Second Catalyst Fund Convening
On September 12th and 13th, Immigrants Rising hosted its second Catalyst Fund Convening in Long Beach. Over 200 individuals—90 educators, 62 students, and 43 presenters and panelists from throughout California—attended this engaging event.
Participants heard from inspirational student leaders, senior campus administrators and educators representing colleges and universities throughout the state. Attendees increased their understanding of the needs of undocumented students and families through thematic gallery walks, hands-on workshops, and presentations. Undocumented student attendees also participated in dynamic leadership workshops led by Immigrants Rising staff and guests.
Ninety percent of respondents found the convening “inspirational”.
“The convening was an amazing opportunity to meet people [from] across the state. It reminded me that there are many individuals, organizations, and institutions committed to supporting undocumented students despite the difficult times.” Educator Participant
“It was an excellent convening. I always appreciate being around like committed professionals who are focused on creating opportunities for success for our Dreamer students.” Administrator Participant
“The convening was inspirational and empowering. I enjoyed hearing all the stories and being surrounded by other students whom I can relate to.” Student Participant
Immigrants Rising is excited to build on the momentum of the Catalyst Fund Convening to continue bolstering support for undocumented students and families throughout California!