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Communication Principles for Supporting Undocumented Students and Mixed Status Families
This resource is designed to help higher education practitioners refine their language and communication strategies when speaking to undocumented students and mixed status families about their college and financial aid options.
Overview: Resources
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Mental Health Resources for Undocumented People
Find resources and services available that can help you navigate your mental health journey.
Building Pathways to AB 540
Learn opportunities available for different educational institutions to build pathways for individuals who do not yet meet the eligibility for AB 540.
Solutions for Noncredit Programs: Roadmap from Noncredit to Credit Programs
Learn what opportunities noncredit programs can provide, especially for older undocumented students who want to continue their education.
Solutions for Adult Schools: SB 554
Get an overview of California SB 554, resources developed by specific campuses, and a list of schools that have implemented SB 554.

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