Immigrants Rising presents: The Undocumented Lawyer
Immigrants Rising is proud to partner with Optimist Films to host an exclusive early screening and a Q&A session of the unreleased HBO documentary, The Undocumented Lawyer. The film tells the story of Lizbeth Mateo, an undocumented immigration attorney fighting for a client who has taken sanctuary in a church.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
5:30 p.m. PT/8:30 p.m. ET.
There could not be a more pressing time to bring immigrant rights to the forefront, and that’s why we are inviting the Immigrants Rising community to watch this important film. Joining Lizbeth will be Yongbin Chang (second year student at Berkeley Law) and other guests from our community. Click here to watch the Q&A discussion on immigration law, the legal career, and earning a living while undocumented.