Stay Informed, Remain Calm, and Know Your Rights
In light of reports of large-scale deportation raids happening throughout the country, we urge you to take action to protect and support the immigrant families and communities who are at greatest risk. It is important to stay informed, remain calm, and know your rights.
Remember: Everyone in the U.S. has certain rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, regardless of their immigration status. If you and your loved ones find yourselves affected by a raid, you can protect yourselves. Here are four key steps to remember (from the Immigration Legal Resource Center’s Red Card):
- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR if an immigration agent is knocking on the door. If they have a judicial warrant to enter, they will not need your permission.
- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS from an immigration agent if they try to talk to you. You have the right to remain silent. If you do answer, do not lie.
- DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING without first speaking to a lawyer. You have the right to speak with a lawyer.
- If you are outside of your home, ask the agent if you are free to leave and if they say yes, leave calmly.
Please read the additional information below and share with your personal networks.
Know Your Rights & Ensure Others Know Theirs:
- These ACLU videos clearly break down how to prepare in case of an ICE arrival.
- From the Immigrant Resource Law Center:
- Language-specific Know Your Rights handout to help families prepare for a possible interaction with ICE
- Printable red cards in eight languages to distribute to community members
- A family preparedness plan in English, Spanish, and Chinese
- A train-the-trainer toolkit on holding a Know-Your-Rights presentation in your community
- AILA provides Know Your Rights handouts in a number of different languages for several scenarios: ICE worksite raids (for employers), ICE home visits, and ICE public stops.
- Host community screenings of Know Your Rights tutorial videos from the National Lawyers’ Guild, both in English and in Spanish.
EOIR Case Status Information
- To check information related to you or your client’s immigration court case, call the EOIR electronic phone system at 1-800-898-7180, enter the A number and listen to see whether a removal order has been issued in the relevant case.
Be an Ally in Action:
- The deportation defense hotline from United We Dream is 1-844-363-1423 – use it if you witness an I.C.E. Raid or any other immigration activity in your community.
- Volunteer legal services with We The Action, a digital platform that makes it easy for lawyers to find and volunteer for critical, impactful, and urgent legal needs. Lawyers can sign up to access projects here and nonprofits who need lawyers can sign up here.
- Call on your Senators and Representatives to restrict funding to Border Patrol and ICE, which were responsible for family separation, the recent deaths of children in custody, and are now planning to terrorize families and communities across the country with raids. Dial 1-202-224-3121 to be connected now.
Support Organizations Doing Critical Work at the Border:
- Click here to find a list of organizations providing assistance and legal aid to immigrant families at the border. Learn about groups such as Al Otro Lado, Justice in Motion and the Southern Border Communities Coalition, who are on the front lines in reuniting families, providing legal representation, and advocating for policies to support immigrant communities.
- Connect with and support your local and regional non-profit legal services providers across the country.
Local Raids Response Hotlines and Contact Information:
- Baltimore, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
- Chicago
- Community members can contact the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Family Support Network at 1-855-435-7693.
- Denver
- Community members can contact the Colorado Rapid Response Network – Immigration at 1-844-864-8341.
- Los Angeles and San Diego (Southern California)
- Community members in Southern California can use these hotlines to report enforcement actions.
- Miami
- Community members can report enforcement actions to the Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) Hotline at 888-600-5762.
- AILA’s South Florida Chapter is seeking attorneys willing to be on-call and assist with any rapid response efforts. If you are an AILA member that is interested in signing up to volunteer, please use this form. For questions about getting involved, email the AILA South Florida Pro Bono Committee at [email protected].
- New York City
- To report enforcement actions, New York City residents can call 311, and anyone in New York State, including New York City residents, can call the NYS Immigration Hotline at 1-800-566-7636. For more information, read NYIC’s Know Your Rights Community Toolkit.
- San Francisco (Northern California)
- Community members contact the California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice provides local Rapid Response Hotlines.
- Fear is everywhere these days. But how we stop fear from paralyzing us? Journalist/writer Jorge Ramos talks about fear with our Entrepreneurship Fund Grantees. Watch video.
Thank you for standing up for immigrants and their families today.